00 Years 00 Months 00 Weeks 00 Days 00 Hours 00 Minutes 00 Seconds
...Until The Fluency Course Is No Longer Available
...Until The Fluency Course
Is No Longer Available
If You're Frustrated With Your Spoken English, Let Me Show You...
If You're Frustrated With Your Spoken English, Let Me Show You...
"How To Be A Fluent English Speaker... Even If You Have No Time, No Confidence
And No One To Practice Speaking With"
...No Matter Where You Live, How Old You Are, And
Even If You’ve Struggled To Get Fluent For Years!
"How To Be A Fluent English Speaker... Even If You Have No Time, No Confidence And No One To Practice Speaking With"
...No Matter Where You Live, How
Old You Are, And Even If You’ve
Struggled To Get Fluent For Years!
Drew Badger
The English Fluency Guide
Nagasaki, Japan
Dear Friend,

You're about to discover THE SECRET that 99% of English learners don't know that can help you speak English more like a native IN DAYS, not months or years...

...Even if right now you forget ALL of your words, translate everything in your head, think you're "bad at learning languages," and are TERRIFIED of speaking English!
If you think this sounds impossible, I used to think so, too...

...Because I failed to learn different languages for more than 20 YEARS.

But everything changed when I learned the truth about fluency that I'll share with you in just a moment.

Today, I'm fluent in Japanese, I have the #1 video on English fluency on YouTube, with 18 million views, and my students call me "The English Fluency Guide." 

I'm featured on the web, radio and TV for my expertise in language acquisition, and I've helped over 1 million English learners become more confident English speakers with my YouTube videos and lessons.
"I want to share with you today‘s news! Last month I was participating in an employment selection for one big law company with English-speaking requirements. And I aced it! I could speak very confidently in English and was able to understand and to answer every question I was given. I got it. I got the job!!!!!!!!!!!!!

- Diana, Lithuania
"Thanks to your lessons, foreigners who I met often compliment me for my English speaking. Recently, a woman from America also said that she was amazed by some phrases that I used during the conversation. I felt like I'm 'in the club' of native speakers."

- Minh, Vietnam
"My mouth was locked because I was too shy and scared. After two weeks with your lessons, I began speaking. Now, with my improved speaking skills, I was able to find higher paying clients for my business!

- Jaroslava, Czech Republic
You're here because you know you could miss a LIFETIME of opportunities if you don't learn to communicate effectively in English.

Fortunately, whether you're a company executive who fears giving presentations in English... A student who writes English essays well, but makes embarrassing mistakes while speaking... A highly-skilled and knowledgeable professional who appears LESS qualified because they communicate very slowly and simply... A government worker who mispronounces words and often misunderstands native speakers... Or anyone who just wants to express themselves naturally, without mixing grammar tenses, running out of words or losing track of their thoughts...

You'll soon see why it's never been easier to quickly become an impressive English speaker, ANYWHERE

But first, let me explain...
Why You Struggle To Speak English
It's NOT your fault if you have FRUSTRATING HABITS, like organizing sentences in your head before you speak...

Or WORRIES that STOP you from expressing yourself...

Because most English lessons only teach you to translate and memorize FORMAL VOCABULARY.

This is why you can READWRITE and PASS TESTS... 

But you struggle when you must RESPOND instantly and SPEAK continuously in real conversations!

So, if courses and live classes with teachers can actually HURT your progress...

And since many English students all over the world become confident speakers WITHOUT these lessons...

What's THE REAL SECRET to fluency???
Here's How To Speak Like A Native
Without Studying For Years
Here's How To Speak
Like A Native Without Studying For Years
Think about your NATIVE language for a moment…

You’ve probably learned THOUSANDS of words and expressions in your lifetime.

But how much of your total vocabulary do you often use?

If you’re like most people, not much, because for EVERY language...

THE TRUTH is that only a TINY fraction of words is used in daily casual and professional communication!

Consider that English dictionaries like Oxford list around 171,400 words in current use...

But a recent analysis of spoken and written British and American English revealed that only 2,800 words make up 92% of newspapers, books, TV shows and conversations!

The word "the" is 7% all printed text, while words that English teachers make students study – like dilatory and encomium – are rarely ever used

I don't want to give you too many numbers...

But the point is you ONLY need to know a very SMALL amount of the most commonly used vocabulary to speak like a native!!!

Incredible, right?!

This is THE SECRET to speaking fluent English in WEEKS because by learning the RIGHT vocabulary, you ALSO automatically become able to:
  • Understand and use REAL spoken English, like the slang, idioms, phrasal verbs, expressions and cultural references of native speakers…
  • develop native speech patterns and habits, so your pronunciation becomes much more smooth and natural…
  • Train yourself to use correct grammar without translating or thinking about rules…
  • Build speaking confidence, so you express yourself without fear or hesitation…
  • ​And speak more fluently...
  • No matter where you live, and without a teacher or speaking practice partner!!!
You now know that you can become a much more confident, fluent English speaker IN WEEKS by learning the most commonly used conversational English for YOUR life...

But without the RIGHT LESSONS, you will NOT automatically recall the right words in conversations, OR develop speaking confidence and fluency.

So the question is...

Will you go through the potentially long, confusing and complex process of finding, organizing, learning and remembering the right vocabulary BY YOURSELF?

Or would you like the help of an experienced guide and a proven SYSTEM that does all the hard work for you, so you can impress EVERYONE with more fluent English THIS MONTH??

If you'd prefer to get fluent "The Lazy Way"...

You can start speaking English more confidently in just 15 minutes a day with a guaranteed video program you won't find anywhere else called...
The Fluency Course gives you INSTANT, FOREVER ACCESS to the same AUTOMATIC LEARNING SYSTEM and PROVEN STRATEGIES that have helped thousands of my students go from frustrated to fluent in a few months OR LESS... Without studying any confusing rules or boring vocabulary lists!

In just 15 minutes a day, the system teaches you the most commonly used casual and professional vocabulary, trains you to remember everything so you can use it automatically when you speak, and helps you develop ALL of your communication skills.

The Fluency Course contains 6 powerful Lesson Sets – each focused on a common conversation theme, like social media, cooking and professional communication...
I guide you through each Lesson Set ALL IN ENGLISH, step-by-step, from easy lessons and simple stories to real speech. This is the ONLY method that guarantees you UNDERSTAND AND REVIEW SPOKEN ENGLISH LIKE A NATIVE so you can speak without hesitating or translating.

You feel like you have a personal, expert coach and parent right there with you who can answer your questions before you ask them, protect you from common mistakes, show you how natives really speak, and build your speaking confidence!

You learn HUNDREDS of the most commonly used words and phrases taken from REAL conversations between NATIVE English speakers...

And by learning this most commonly used vocabulary, you become able to speak confidently about MANY different topics!

You prepare for GLOBAL COMMUNICATION, no matter where you use English, with examples of native speakers from countries like the US, the UK and Australia. You also learn many of the dialects from these countries to improve your listening and pronunciation, and build a broad vocabulary that ensures you ALWAYS have something to say.
You're Getting INSTANT ACCESS To...
All together, The Fluency Course gives you INSTANT ACCESS to over 2,000 conversational expressions, slang words, proverbs, idioms, phrasal verbs, cultural references and MORE, essential for successful personal and professional communication!

You get the complete program immediately - more than 39 hours of video and audio training available for streaming online or downloading - so you can learn whenever and wherever you want, even without Internet.

The program can be enjoyed on a computer, smartphone, tablet or any other modern device.

You practice speaking with EVERY LESSON, and I even show you how to meet native speakers to practice speaking with so you DON'T have to spend extra money on tutors and teachers!

There are subtitles so you understand every word, an online member’s area and community where you can comment and meet other learners to practice with, and VIP email support for any questions you have as you learn.

And best of all the program is...
Specifically Designed For Busy
Learners Who Want FAST Results
The Fluency Course was made for learners with very little time to study who can read and write English, but aren't happy with their SPEAKING.

So if you understand these words but can't speak, you're at the PERFECT level for the program!

Whether you want to advance your career, raise your pay, connect with more customers and clients, improve your test scores, travel with greater ease and confidence, increase your longevity and mental health, or just have better relationships with the English speakers in your life...

The Fluency Course gives you everything you need to: Make TV shows, movies and conversations more enjoyable... Use the right words and grammar at the right time... Speak smoothly, and correct your own pronunciation errors... Reduce your accent... Explain things more accurately... Persuade more effectively... Sound more natural... And express yourself easily in front of one person or many... In as little as A FEW WEEKS!

But I’ll let more of my students tell you why they love this guaranteed system, and their results...
“After struggling to speak for years, I could finally enjoy the beauty of communicationIt’s been now two weeks that I’m in New Zealand, and I already had a ton of conversations, speaking with random people in parks, asking for advice and information, ordering and chitchatting at restaurants. Thank you.

Kevin, France
“Last week, I watched the movie Tangled in English without subtitles. I'd never done that before and to my surprise I understood almost everything! And two weeks ago, I also received a foreign visitor at my job, a man from the U.K. We talked for a while, then he asked if I had lived in another country. When I answered 'No,' he asked, surprised, 'So how come you speak English so well?' I thought “The system is definitely working out.“

Viviana, Chile
The whole program is teaching you from day one how to build connections. You're not only learning the meaning of the words, but how to use them in any given situation. You instantly improve your listening, comprehension and each and every area of your learning. I was learning through translations from Spanish/Portuguese to English and that was like a glass ceiling that kept me from achieving fluency. Thank you for over-delivering so much value!“

Charles, Brazil 
My friends say I’ve improved so much. I can really express what I want to say, and I feel so much more confident. Thank you!“

Carlos, El Salvador
"I spent the whole weekend with native English speakers on a tour in Munich, Germany! I improved so much, and made so many friends I still speak with!” AND...“Yesterday I spoke with many Americans at an exhibition. Our CEO from our US office told me that my English has improved 100% thanks to you!

Gosina, Germany
"I can proudly say I’m becoming a fluent English speaker. My fear of speaking English vanished.

Bhaskar, India
How Would Fluency Change YOUR Life?
How much happier would you be if you had complete confidence when speaking English?

Would your life be less stressful, more productive and more enjoyable if you could express yourself naturally, correctly and quickly?

Just think of who you'll impress in the next few weeks with much better spoken English!

It's because of the LIFETIME of rewards, opportunities and relationships you receive with fluency that...
The Value of The Fluency Course is $997
Now, considering many English learners pay THOUSANDS of dollars for travel, living expenses and lessons that DON'T guarantee speaking success... Even at $997, The Fluency Course would be a bargain!

BUT because I can give attention to my ideal students online, and you can customize the lessons for YOUR needs and schedule, your investment will be A LOT LESS...

AND you'll receive these very valuable FREE GIFTS:
The Fluency Bridge Toolkit
A $277 Value 
(Yours Free)
The Fluency Bridge Toolkit is designed to make The Fluency Course faster and easier to use so you can spend even LESS time learning and reach your goals more quickly.

The first piece of the Toolkit is our mobile app for iOS and Android devices with our exclusive Interactive Video Player and Subtitles!
  • Use on ANY device - computer, tablet, smartphone, Apple iOS, Google Android...
  • ​Stream or download...
  • ​​Control the speed of videos so you understand every word...
  • ​​Set the time between speech sections in videos to pause and practice speaking at your pace...
  • ​Set the number of times each speech section repeats so you hear everything and can review easily...
  • ​Click anywhere on the Interactive Transcript to jump right to that section of the video!
The Fluency Bridge Toolkit also gives you “Cheat Sheet” Overviews of every lesson set so you can easily see what’s covered and find particular topics, vocabulary or grammar points to focus on.
You also get the COMPLETE Transcripts of every lesson in printable PDFs. We’ve included every “umm” and “uhh,” interruption and “speaking mistake” found in our real English conversations and lessons so you “catch” every word and can learn to speak exactly like natives.

Finally, you’re getting the Quick Reference Glossary for every lesson set! These mini-dictionaries give quick definitions of every word and phrase covered so you can quickly review everything you learn in the lessons.

With the $997 value of The Fluency Course, this brings the total value of everything included to $1,274.

PLUS… Because I know many learners want more than just fluency, you’re also getting…
Advanced Fluency Training
A $249 Value (Yours Free)
Many learners want to reach the native level of language mastery, so I’m also giving you two additional courses, one focused on native listening and the other focused on native speaking!
To help you understand even difficult spoken English, specifically for very common conversation topics, I’m including two additional advanced listening-focused Lesson Sets.

As you work through these lessons, your ears become more sensitive and you become much more able to understand even conversations with multiple speakers.
I also want you to have advanced speaking training, so I’m including both a collection of Conversation Builder audios that train you to express yourself for longer periods of time, AND a collection of Natural Speech audios that train you to think more like a native and use the right expression at the right time!
The Value of The Fluency Course, The Fluency Bridge Toolkit and the Advanced Fluency Training together is $1,523.

But there’s something MORE I wanted to give you that you won’t find anywhere else…
The Insight: The Secret to Instant Confidence
A $120 Value (Yours Free)
You can learn all the vocabulary and grammar in the world, but if you aren’t confident enough to use it, you’ll never become a successful speaker.

And that’s why I created The Insight.
This special video program reveals a way of seeing the world that makes everything possible.
It will motivate you each day, and show you exactly how to reach your English-speaking goals.

I’m so confident it will improve the way you communicate – as well as the way you do everything else in your life – that MUST be included in this special package...

And it's ONLY available here!

The total value of The Fluency Course, The Fluency Bridge Toolkit, the Advanced Fluency Training together and The Insight is $1,643.

But we’re not finished yet!

You ABSOLUTELY need your fourth FREE GIFT if you want to become a confident speaker as quickly as possible…

It's actually SO important that I can't believe it's not offered in any other program I've seen...
My 16 Best Fluency Missions
A $197 Value 
(Yours Free)
My language learning life changed forever when I put down the textbook and created special training missions to help me practice – and build speaking confidence – in the real world.
In this collection of 16 Fluency Missions, I explain exactly how to meet native English speakers to practice your spoken English – for FREE – no matter where you live in the world!

I show you how to do this online, and in person, right where you live. And once you see how simple meeting people is, you’ll know how to meet as many people to practice with as you like!
This training ALONE is so valuable because it saves you the hundreds or even thousands of dollars many learners spend on expensive teachers and classes.

Once you know how to meet people - and I'm talking about people who really DO share YOUR interests, Are looking for friendships, and WANT to speak with you - you can meet as many native English speakers as you like, without spending any money!

Isn’t that great?!

The value of The Fluency Course, together with The Fluency Bridge Toolkit, the Advanced Fluency Training, The Insight and the 16 Fluency Missions, is $1,840...

But there's still one more thing I want you to have to make your road to fluency as fast and easy as possible...
How To Remember ANY English Word:
My Guide Building A SUPER MEMORY So
You Can Remember Your Words Automatically
When You Speak – 
A $197 Value (Yours Free)
I don't only want to teach you a lot of useful words and phrases. I want to show you exactly how you can remember and USE them quickly and automatically when you speak!
So I want to give you my special guide that reveals the simple memory trick "stolen" from the world's biggest and most successful businesses!

Companies like Apple, Facebook, Tesla, Sony, LG Electronics and more use this psychological trick to make their brands and products UNFORGETTABLE...

And now, for the first time ever, you can learn how to use this trick to remember ANY English word or phrase!

So join The Fluency Course and get this exclusive guide FREE.

All together, the value of The Fluency Course, The Fluency Bridge Toolkit, the Advanced Fluency Training together, The Insight, the 16 Fluency Missions AND How To Remember ANY English Word is $2,037.

And you can see why The Fluency Course and all of these valuable bonuses give you an incredible value, even at more than $1,000

But today, because I know you’re a serious learner who wants to start seeing instant improvement in your speaking confidence and fluency TODAY…

You can get the entire program right now, NOT for $997

NOT for $797, $597 or even $297

I want you to have access to everything immediately for just one payment of only $97.

That’s it!

Isn’t that incredible?! A value of $2,037 for a one-time payment of only $97.

There are no hidden payments or fees. Just $97 today, one-time, for this complete program and ALL of the bonuses.

And, of course...
The Fluency Course Is 100% Guaranteed!
If you’re not completely happy with your progress within 30 days, I'll return your entire $97 payment.
That's right. Just email me at and I'll give you a full refund.

NO class or school will guarantee fluency or your money back...

So if this sounds fair…

Click on the green button below and join The Fluency Course before this offer disappears:
Frequently Asked Questions
Can I really become a fluent speaker in just 15 minutes a day?
Yes! You can spend more time learning – and you will become a confident speaker much faster if you do – but 15 minutes a day with The Fluency Triangle is far more powerful and effective than HOURS with traditional lessons and courses that don't work.
How do videos and audios help me improve my SPEAKING?
When you use The Fluency Triangle, you UNDERSTAND English directly, without studying any lists or rules that cause bad habits when you speak. So fluency in SPEAKING develops automatically. Learn with The Fluency Triangle and the right words will come to you at the right time in conversations!
The lessons teach English from what country?
The lessons feature native speakers from the US, UK, Australia, Canada and MORE because you will hear and meet native speakers from all over the world no matter where you live.
Can teachers use the lessons?
Certainly! Many teachers use our lessons. You're welcome to follow the program as a teacher if you help intermediate learners learn to speak fluently. You can practice with learners in your classes and then assign course lessons for homework.
How do I get my lessons?
You get INSTANT ACCESS to all programs in an online account containing your digital MP4 videos, MP3 audios and PDF transcripts. Nothing is physically sent in the mail, so you can start learning instantly! Learn online or download, and keep access FOREVER!
Will the lessons work on my computer/phone/tablet?
Yes! You can use your lessons instantly on any device, and once you download them, you don’t even need Internet. Our Interactive Video App works on iOS and Android devices.
What's your refund policy?
All programs are guaranteed 100% for 30 days. If you’re not satisfied with your progress, simply send us a mail at within 30 days and we’ll give you a full refund.
The price of the course is in what currency?
All courses on are in United States dollars. Payments can be made in almost any currency, and currency conversion happens automatically at checkout.

If you don’t have a credit card or PayPal account, just ask someone you know who does to purchase the program for you, and then pay them back in cash. Many of our students do this.
If you have other questions or need help, mail us at! :)
Here's Everything You're Getting:
The Fluency Course ($997 Value!)
The Fluency Bridge Toolkit with Interactive Video App ($277 Value!)
Advanced Fluency Training ($249 Value!) 
The Insight ($120 Value!)
16 Fluency Missions ($197 Value!)
How To Remember ANY English Word ($197 Value!)
Instant access and keep your lessons forever
30-day 100% Money-Back Guarantee 
TOTAL VALUE = $2,037!

(in US dollars)
I’m so excited to help you become a great English speaker, and I’ll see you on the inside!
Drew Badger
The English Fluency Guide
And Founder of

P.S. If you have any questions at all, please click here to mail me! :)

P.P.S. If you're one of those people who skipped to the end of the letter, here's the offer:

I'm giving you a complete fluency training video and audio program (with full transcripts) that teaches you how to become a confident, fluent English speaker FAST.

The total value of the program and bonuses is $2,037, but you can get it today for one payment of just $97.

There are also no tricks or hidden charges. I just want to demonstrate how quickly you can improve your spoken English if you learn the right way.

And I also know that once you see how quickly you improve with the program, you'll want to learn even more with me. :)

If you don't like it 100%, let me know within 30 days and I'll give you back the $97.

Click on the green button below to join now!

You’ll be happy you took action when you see how much you learn in just 15 minutes with the program! :)
“Though it's only been about a week since I started learning with you, I can already see the improvements in my English, particularly in my fluency level.”

  – Eunice Y, South Korea

"Now I reached my goals! I'm here in Sydney as postdoc visiting scholar and having fun talking with my pleasant colleagues at University and with other people on the street in English.“

  - Jolita, from Lithuania

"Thanks to your program, I got new job from June of this year in a big US company where I’m in touch daily with English!”

  - Mario K, Slovakia 

"After using a native expression, my son said to me, ‘Mom, your English is getting better. Seriously it makes me feel better.’ I saw it on his face. It was surprise for him.“ 

  – Zsuzsanna V, Hungary

"I received a big help from yourprogram to lift my confidence to be able to speak English as natives do. My TOEFL score rose from 78 in Nov to 87 in Jan. This boosted the strength of my application to a master’s program, andI was accepted with a scholarship!” 

  – Santi C, Indonesia 2010-2022 Copyright - All Rights Reserved | Terms & Conditions | Privacy Policy